The following python packages are needed for SPInS:
ptemcee (this is only needed if you decide to do parallel tempering)
corner (this used to be called triangle in previous releases)
f2py (this is usually included with numpy)
multiprocessing (this is already part of the standard python library)
For convenience, a requirements.txt file has been included. This allows the user to install the needed python packages via the command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This version of SPInS is compatible both with versions 2 and 3 of emcee, an MCMC package written in python (see Foreman-Mackey et al., 2013, PASP 125, 306).
However, as of version 3, emcee no longer supports parallel tempering. Therefore, SPInS now uses the separate package ptemcee for parallel tempering. This also has the added benefit of enabling the use of dynamic temperatures which may speed up convergence in some cases (see Vousden, Farr, and Mandel, 2016, MNRAS 455, 1919)