Stellar model grids
For convenience, various grids are provided in a format which is compatible with SPInS.
BaSTI grids
These grids come from the BaSTI website and are provided here with permission from S. Cassisi. They include the following quantities: age parameter, age, initial mass, luminosity, effective temperature, mass, radius, Z, Y, [M/H], surface gravity, \(\Delta \nu\), \(\nu_{\mathrm{max}}\), Mv, U-B, B-V, V-I, V-R, V-J, V-K, V-L, and H-K. We note that the surface gravity, \(\Delta \nu\), and \(\nu_{\mathrm{max}}\) have been derived from the mass, radius, and effective temperature, using appropriate scaling relations, and the following constants:
solar_radius = 6.960e10 \(\mathrm{cm}\)
solar_mass = 1.98919e33 \(\mathrm{g}\)
G = 6.671682343064262e-08 \(\mathrm{cm^3.g^{-1}.s^{-2}}\)
solar_dnu = 135.1 \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)
solar_numax = 3090.0 \(\mathrm{\mu Hz}\)
Grid |
# tracks |
# Models |
Link |
BaSTI, scaled solar, canonical |
490 |
885920 |
BaSTI, scaled solar, non canonical |
328 |
561920 |
BaSTI, \(\alpha\)-enhanced, canonical |
469 |
850640 |
BaSTI, \(\alpha\)-enhanced, non canonical |
301 |
602000 |
Relevant references